Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.

  • Fornitore cinese verificato - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
  • Fornitore cinese verificato - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
  • Fornitore cinese verificato - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
  • Fornitore cinese verificato - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.

    Entrate annuali: 10milion-15milion USD

    Dipendenti: 100~120

    Anno di fondazione: 2009

    tipo di affari: Manufacturer, Distributor/Wholesaler, Agent, Exporter, Trading Company, Seller

    Per saperne di più


    Certificate of Incorporation - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
    Tax registration Certificate - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
    UL certification-1 - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
    UL certification-2 - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
    ROHS certificate - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
    environmental management system certificate. - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
    quality management system certificate - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.

    Immagini dei post dell'azienda

    Fornitore cinese verificato - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
    Fornitore cinese verificato - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
    Fornitore cinese verificato - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.
    Fornitore cinese verificato - Hangzhou LEEHON Industrial and Trade Co.,Ltd.