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Jiangsu OUCO Heavy Industry and Technology Co.,Ltd

Quality Gru marina della piattaforma, gru offshore del piedistallo supplier from China.

Aug 15, 2023
Know more information marine crane or other product us here:
The OUCO Marine Group provides high-quality handling solutions and access systems for the marine and offshore industries. Headquartered in beautiful Wuxi, China, OUCO Marine Crane Group has subsidiaries in several countries and serves a global client base from strategic points in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Middle East.

TEL: 0510-68791915
FAX: 0510-83915801
PHONE: +86-18800548228
ADD: No.20 Tianshun Road, Industrial Park of Yangshan Town, Huishan, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
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