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JEFFER Engineering and Technology Co.,Ltd

Quality Fornace di vetro industriale, Fornace di vetro elettrica supplier from China.


JEFFER ENGINEERING, a China professional company that designs and provides complete glass melting technology as a global solution partner for the glass industry. With overseas subsidiaries in Russia, Egypt and Indonesia, JEFFER has met its demand for rapid local activity of the glass industry's requirement.


With its more than 40 years of experience in glass melting, JEFFER has combined conventional furnace technology with new furnace concepts in modern days, it has a wide range of experience in the design, manufacture and supply of different furnace types for production of Container Glass, Tableware Glass, Flat Glass, Figure Glass, Tube Glass, Opal Glass, Fiber Glass, Sodium Silicate, Frit etc.


We put the interests of our customers first and maintain close ties through high quality work and good after sale cooperation. Many long-term relationships with our customers span several decades.


The range of products and service does not only include melting tank, JEFFER also fabricates the main utility equipment such as providing combustion system and automatic instrument. Furthermore, with our staff, JEFFER can meet the requirements of the glass industry, such as Feasibility Studies, Plant Design, Material and Equipment Supply, Commissioning and Start-Up, Construction Supervision, Contract Management and Implementation, Plant Renovation, Global Consulting Services for Plant Operation.


With 24/7 hotline service, our service staff can respond quickly to help with any problems that may arise during the glass production process.


With customer's trust and praise, we are worthy of our reputation.

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Company Details

Office Address: 4FL, B3 Saturn Builing, No. 98 Star Road, New North Zone, Chongqing, China